transparency and distrust…

A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.

Dalai Lama


In our lives, we come to live with people whose sense of distrust are simply so amazing.  To them, distrust is like a shield that will protect them from greedy, clever and exploitive people.  They trust no one.  They are so cautious they sometimes forget they live in a world of people with varied personalities. They often misjudge people by reading their body language, manners, how they talk or perceive things.  They tend to be too protective with whatever they call their own including people they value most.  They are often selfish and self centered unknowingly because of allowing such ill feelings. They always think they are superior and were better people than the rest. They build walls around them.

But no matter how self-centered they maybe and no matter how indifferent their reactions towards people and things are,   they still have that inherent deep seeded value and capacity to love.  In fact they were the most ‘loving’ people in contrast to the standards being followed by people because of their lavish way of loving and valuing people.  And the only remedy to heal such kind of distrustful people is LOVELove begets love.  No matter how they resist being loved they will still fall to the same feeling.  Just like how distrust will fall back to love.  Just like everything will fall into place.  Just like how every puzzle pieces fit each other.  For no man is an island.  No one stands alone.  Because when we are born in this world, we were born out love.

So be transparent people!  Avoid distrust.  Throw ‘em off the recycle bin.  Recycle them back to loveRebound!

Posted in insecurity, judgemental, Kindness, love, pride, respect, Selfishness, Uncategorized, viciousness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The writer and the author.

Being a creative writer, is not a fulfilling career.

That is if you seek to gain money out of words;

If you seek recognition for delight;

If you want to earn reputation not of your own;

Speaking in tongues does not make you the most knowledgeable person on earth.

Scribing myriads of words does not earn you a pedestal for immortality;

For these words are not mine nor they were originally conceived from my own thoughts;

Wordsmithing an original literary piece always requires a quill from a master wordsmith;

Authoring a masterpiece is always a replicate of a divine artistry;

My works are nothing compared to my master;

My piece are fragments of a whole not within my creation.

Because these words are just borrowed words;

These words were just mythical,

These words were just copied,

From the real author of life;

The author whose pseudonym is a cross,

The author of humility and LOVE.



This poem was copied by YellowChevy from the master poet named Jesus Christ.

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on pride and arrogance…



Hans Christian Andersen’s short tale on the lesson about humility, innocence, respect, pride and arrogance  It is the story of an emperor who was known for his arrogance and wanting all the attention only for him.  One day he commissioned the work of his tailors to make him ‘invisible clothes.’  The clothes as per his specification can only be seen by those that are only within his ranks and position, the wealthy, the affluent and those who only adores and of the same high positioned people in the society such as him.  The clothes are supposed to be invisible for the stupid and incompetent people in his land.  And so his tailors, mimicking that they’ve made a nice suit for him dressed and fit the ‘invisible clothes’ to him.  When the emperor asked about how it fit, the tailors had to tell lies that the clothes look perfect on him and it was one of a kind and all the nice things.  They told every lie they could so as not to upset the emperor and punish them.  The kingdom had known about the emperor’s ‘invisible clothes’ and all are careful not to say something out of the emperor’s crooked tastes to avoid the punishment.  One day as he walks within his kingdom, he came across his ministers.  His ministers knowing about the ‘invisible clothes’ and the punishment it will bring immediately pretend he was wearing a nice looking clothes though he does not wear anything at all.  Satisfied with what he has heard from his ministers, the emperor went out to inspect his kingdom and flaunt his ‘new’ clothes.  Though everyone cannot see a thing in his body, all people in the emperor’s kingdom has to pretend he wore the nicest clothes simply to avoid the punishment and be called ignorant and stupid.            Then one day a child, so innocent to understand what was going on saw the emperor without the clothes on and blurs out from the crowd telling them that the emperor does not wear anything at all.  This initiated the crowd to agree in whispers.  Asserting the reality of what the child has told, the emperor continue to walk though almost humiliated.  He realized that although he may please and brainwashed people with his false deeds, he can never pollute the mind of an innocent child who speaks nothing only but the truth.  Although self-expression and self-promotion maybe ways to boost one’s self-confidence, over exposure and over confidence still has to be within the regular and normal standards of what is good and better.  Be mindful of what you flaunt or say, it may hurt other people’s feelings and it may signal an overreaction to things making one cross the bounds of other people’s right and judgement.  Respect others to also earn respect. The tallest tree no matter how high shall bend to the howl of the wind.

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excellence is not an act but a habit…


‘What we are we repeatedly do,

Excellence therefore, is not an act but a habit.’ – Aristotle

And there are only two ways to excel – the good and the bad.  The choice is yours to take.  It’s Sunday, a blessed day for reflections.  Wishing you all good everyday of your lives!

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‘Thank you Lord.’


Everyday we get to meet different people from all walks of life.  Some will leave imprints in your life, others just pass by like the wind.  Some are annoyed because they expect people will always be pleased with what they wanted them to be pleased with.  Others just don’t seem to care.  Whatever these people we’ve meet did purposely or not, we must be appreciative they’ve come our way.  For they form part the highways of our life.  The purpose why they’ve crossed our path may be obscure and uncertain at this point but is not important though.   What lies beyond does matters most.  A perfect example of such is the stranger we came across from yesterday and now that same stranger is doing things you do not expect someone will do.  Strange?  Coincidence?  Maybe.  But if you are like me who deals with everybody with open heart and who always follow the value of kindness , I am always amazed why some people I hardly knew of or I rarely see will just pop and instill the same inspiration of doing good.  I always say it ripples back, but I still couldn’t believe what it does to myself.  Led me to just whisper and utter ‘Thank you, Lord.’

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working for the Lord and not for men


We all had our share of having a bad day at work.  Superiors are sometimes so impossible on giving us assignments to work to.  Colleagues have lots of ways to mingle with.  Temptations sometimes lurk in our minds. Fatigue and sickness comes in a way.  Distractions always annoys us.  But still we need to function what we are tasked to do so.  What do we need to overcome all of these and do things assigned to us to labour with?  Here are a few reminders to keep you going:

  1.  Always pray for guidance and directions.  A moment of silence and reflection will not be taken from your day’s pay.  Rewards in keeping in touch with the Master of all masters will not only keep your day’s pay, it will benefit your wholebeing the most.
  2. Think of happy and joyful things. Getting better like smiling and laughter can cure away dullness and inspire you to move and create things that you need to do.
  3. Inspire and motivate others.  Doing good deeds will surely boost your spirit.  How bout offering or fixing your boss a cup of coffee perhaps? He would surely wont turn off the offer and might be the time you need to have a friendly chat if you find difficulties over your work.
  4. Hum a tune or sing if you have the talent.  Humming a tune while working enhances light feelings instead of the anxiety brought about by work.
  5. Crack a joke.
  6. Do some light exercise you can do while in your place of work.  Stretching, fingers, hand and leg exercises that can stimulate circulation of your blood to keep away boredom or tiredness.

They were just few but there are a hundred and one ways to make work enjoyable and cope up with work stress.  Remember always that the job you did primarily delights the Lord because we all are servants to him.

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Hakuna matata, Everyone!



Hakuna Matata.”  The Swahili way of saying “No worries, for the rest of your days.”

The term popularized by Disney;’s animated movie The Lion King, which featured the adventures of Simba, a lion cub who at a young age have experience difficult challenges and anxieties in life.  This motivational phrase however was aimed to make someone feel easy over life’s trivial complications.  In the movie,  it helped Simba overcome the grief and sadness of being away from his family and the great responsibility bestowed on him as the leader of their kind.  Everyday of our lives we too are also always faced with such challenges, difficulties and problems and sometimes we can’t think of any proper way to solve them.   Somehow a few of these challenges blew in proportion and we find ourselves in a situation where we face a blank wall and thus anxieties overcome us.  Some of us stop and stumble.  Some of us deal it harsh and square.  Others face it as serious as if there’s no tomorrow.



But how many of us will deal it light?  Just like how Rafiki, Timon,.Pumbaa and Simba in that animated movie did.  Why do we need to worry when there can be better ways to remedy and solve our problems with a lighter heart and sometimes in funny ways.  Anxiety can only lead us to a more serious problem.  It can make our way of thinking falter and create false judgement.



.  Taking and discussing things with friends and colleagues could be a great idea.  It could spark solutions that we alone cannot make.  Remember two or more heads are better than one?  Friendship does not only delight us.It can also make one stop and end anxiety.  The feeling of security and compassion that friendship brings cannot equal a pill or tablet you will take to escape the troubles that anxiety brings.  Smile and laugh it out with friends.  Work out your congeniality skill and discover new friends.  Who knows the Hakuna Matata outlook might open new horizons?   Since out there somewhere are numerous ways and ideas waiting just for you to discover.  And just like how Simba and his friends hold on to as they say in unison the phrase “Hakuna Matata” in the movie and stop worrying.  The future indeed holds a promising tomorrow.



Hakuna matata, everyone!


[images from Disney’s The Lion King]

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Smile! You’re beautiful.


Our everyday routine can sometimes make us forget an essential power to get us going.  We always forget to at least SMILE.  From the moment we wake up to the time we retire at the end of the day.   It’s not about flexing your facial muscles that matters most.  Although smiling really can make not only your face glow and creases out those wrinkles in your face.  Smile is a remedy the way that laughter is an antidote not only to stress but to your spirit as well.  Like our kindness trait it is also highly contagious.  It enhances and releases more of our positive traits achieving a better outlook and perspective.


It is always a welcome treat if a person smiles at you. Even if the person is a stranger and even if you are having one of those grouchy day.  A smile will kindle something deep inside you to smile also and reciprocate the gesture.   One might say:”It ain’t funny so why do I need to smile?”  Why not?  Do you need to be tickled just to see that smile under your nose?

bubbly baby

If there is one pampering you need to do to yourself, starting it with a smile will be a great move.  Smiling is the start of being kind, not to others but primarily to yourself.  So don’t be so hard and cruel.  Start by being kind to yourself.  Smile, smile a lot.  It won’t do you no harm.  It will instead make you feel better and others as well.  Smile and the world will smile back at you.


Smile, that’s perfect.  Flaunt it!

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Some people argue that they really have no time for snarkies or snides.

Hating people who are unkind or pretending to be kind are two different things.

If you hate people pretending to be kind, then what made you different from being unkind or mean too?  To hate or overly react over a person’s attitude or trait is also an unkind behaviour.  Although we might sometimes be so annoyed over another person’s behaviour this does not however should be enough reason to act unkind or indifferent.

Sometimes we come across people who we think are unkind and who overly reacted or disgusted over another person’s behaviour.  It is not however a reason that one should think or give comments such as:

“I’m only human.  I’m no angel.”

“I hate pretending and I am a true person.”

It is not pretending if you are just avoiding situations or heated arguments to happen.

It is not pretending if you don’t want a person to be hurt by harsh words if that person would feel hurt or would suffer.  It’s alright you won’t die or nobody will die if you utter a few white lies. Saying a few white lies does not make matters worse.  That is why ‘communication, explanation, admittance and if needed, apology are the best keys and remedies to any situation that resulted for sometimes being a snide, unkind or snarky.

Try to be kind and give yourself a break from being judgemental and stop whining.  It will not only make your personality shine.  It will also make you feel better and just like kind-hearted people you will develop and harness your own personal strength that will make you stand out as well.

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the hollow strength of mean and selfish people…

humble jesus

Kind hearted people are often vulnerable to being abused and mistreated.  Abusive people are always on the lookout for kind hearted people who create mistakes and exploit them further.

“Humble are the meek in spirit.  For they will inherit the world.”  – Matthew 5:5

This is not just a phrase to exalt or console kind hearted people. Here are a few things to contemplate about abusive and mean people.  We all know for a fact how it feels to be kind, but let us try to analyze a few feelings how it feels to be mean and abusive:  (these are the exact opposite of how meek and kind hearted people feels.)  Here are a fewsupposed benefits of what a mean people felt over maligning a kind hearted person:

  • They feel good because they outsmarted somebody and felt no remorse over such person;
  • They feel great to see a person suffer because they inflicted what they believe are ‘lessons’  for kind hearted people on being so dumb;
  • They jump for joy because  they have inflicted physical harm and crippled a kind hearted person;

If you noticed, NONE of the above will likely to happen since NO vicious and mean people would likely admit to such.   I bet they could not even openly brag about it.  The most feeling mean people can achieve are being skeptical about what they have done to a kind hearted person.  And they would soon be powerless.  But if you are meek and kind hearted, your compassion and love will melt your pride away.  You will experience glorious happiness and pure love.

Being mean does not make you a better person nor will it REALLY make you feel happy or good.  Try to examine yourself if you are one mean person to others.  You should be able to discern what REAL happiness means.  There is only one way to turn the tide around and unfortunately to you that only way is the OPPOSITE.

A loving and kind hearted person stands out in the middle of people who are envious, jealous and selfish.  They can never be outsmarted by sheer physical beauty nor social standing or class.  Never reciprocate in the same manner they move and speak.  Remember that a mean person are generally weak.  Their being strong are superficial because there is really nothing within their hollow spirit.  They only shine because of the radiance they took from kind hearted people.  They are like thieves in the deepest sense.  Once left alone, their brilliance falter and grew dim.  They will be lost and confused because their source of brilliance was unnatural and untrue.  Kind hearted individuals shine even if they are alone.  In fact they are like magnets who attracts people because you can see and feel love and compassion wherever they go.  And because of these traits even the mean spirited beings are being drawn towards them. And because of these traits they are greatest and strongest.  Being kind is never a consequence.  In fact being kind is like a diamond, polished, rare and being sought after and worthy to behold and adored to.

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