Smile! You’re beautiful.


Our everyday routine can sometimes make us forget an essential power to get us going.  We always forget to at least SMILE.  From the moment we wake up to the time we retire at the end of the day.   It’s not about flexing your facial muscles that matters most.  Although smiling really can make not only your face glow and creases out those wrinkles in your face.  Smile is a remedy the way that laughter is an antidote not only to stress but to your spirit as well.  Like our kindness trait it is also highly contagious.  It enhances and releases more of our positive traits achieving a better outlook and perspective.


It is always a welcome treat if a person smiles at you. Even if the person is a stranger and even if you are having one of those grouchy day.  A smile will kindle something deep inside you to smile also and reciprocate the gesture.   One might say:”It ain’t funny so why do I need to smile?”  Why not?  Do you need to be tickled just to see that smile under your nose?

bubbly baby

If there is one pampering you need to do to yourself, starting it with a smile will be a great move.  Smiling is the start of being kind, not to others but primarily to yourself.  So don’t be so hard and cruel.  Start by being kind to yourself.  Smile, smile a lot.  It won’t do you no harm.  It will instead make you feel better and others as well.  Smile and the world will smile back at you.


Smile, that’s perfect.  Flaunt it!

About YellowChevy

Hi,welcome to my paradise, my world! I am an Accountant by profession yet I am a quintessential scribe. This virtual place is where I think and breathe freely. I did these works along with my heart, mind and spirit. I am not like any other scribe. I'm a creative writer. Creative writing is not just a skill, its a talent that cannot be found by reading the article. A creative writer is effective if he brings you to his stories and take part in the world he created. If you are looking for great writers who makes no typographical mistakes, I guess you need secretaries who type perfect at 100wpm, not a scribe. If you are looking for someone who has perfect grammar, punctuations and rhymes go get an English teacher with probably a master's degree. If you are here to find a succinct scribe who runs like Speedy Gonzales beating his writing clock, sorry but I think I saw him outside with Roadrunner on their way to the Daily Planet. Now if you need a passionate scribe with a quintessential motivation. You are now reading a few of his works yet his masterpiece await in a desolate place waiting to be uncovered like a Pandora's box. There is no price for a rare talent. Should you find one, can you email me his contact details? I would like to meet him and make him my God. Should you need my services or if you happen to find my God, please email me @ and I will get back to you soonest. Wishing my posts did benefit to your reading pleasure. Come back soon and have a nice day :-) More of my articles here > God bless us all!
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2 Responses to Smile! You’re beautiful.

  1. Pingback: I See Your Laughter And Raise You A Smile | Poemotherapi Shoppe

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